They exist in many English towns, allotments—small plots of land separated by fences, set aside for local people to grow plants. Usually located on council property with an accessible water supply, they rent for £20-£25 ($40-$50) a year.
Allotments are primarily used for growing vegetables, but some choose to raise ducks and chickens, and several plots can be combined into horse pastures. Though some allotments are immaculate, the majority seem to have a personality all their own, with rickety sheds and barely-standing greenhouses.
The photo above, from nearby Meadowfield, shows the best relation of an allotment to a town, and the range of allotment uses.
. . .
30 MAY 2007
A friend suggests one of these would make a strategic private office for Ben. Brilliant! Out in nature... Healthy snacks all around... Free pony rides... Oh, here. I’ve found just the spot.

Photo: Harry's pigeons, Tudhoe Village Allotments
Have you played Acquire recently?
Those little allotments remind me of the victory gardens we had during the war. We had a few in our back yard at home that we gave to people to use. Of course we always had our own garden full of stuff.
aah, yes! i remember those little shanty towns! it was one of the new things I learned about English culture while I was there! The chickens were by far my favorite. They seem to know when Ben is coming to bring munchies!
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